NovaFlash Sensitiser A&B

Two-part photosensitive coating for wipe-on negative plate-making

NovaFlash Sensitiser A & B is a composite two-part photosensitive coating for wipe-on negative platemaking on fine grained / anodised aluminium plate.

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    • Two part chemistry of Sensitiser-A (powder) and Sensitiser-B (liquid).
    • Sensitive to heat and light. The colour of coating turns from golden yellow when freshly mixed, to dark brown when exhausted.
    • To be applied onto thoroughly cleaned and dried plate surface.
    • Exposure to UV light hardens the coating.
    • Suitable for manual and roller coater application.
    • Completely dissolve Sensitiser-A powder in Sensitiser-B liquid. Coating may be applied manually or in a roller coater. Bubbles should be avoided or allowed to settle down while mixing.
    • For Manual Application : Use a freshly washed sponge after removing the water completely. Pour a small quantity of mixed NovaFlash Sensitiser on one edge of the sponge. Place the plate on a clean, flat bench and apply the coating by wiping the sponge in parallel strokes with equal pressure along the length of the plate. For even coating, the wiping action may be repeated across the plate after squeezing off excess sensitiser from the sponge. Care should be taken to avoid uncoated patches and streaks. Fan-dry the plate.
    • For Roller Coater Application : The mixed sensitiser can be used directly in the coating tray.
    • Storage & Handling : Protect from direct sunlight. Keep the containers closed. The use of gloves and safety goggles is strongly recommended.
    • Shelf-life : 12 months from the date of manufacture.
    • Packing : 100, 250 & 500 ml.
    • Precautions : Yellow/orange safe light is recommended in the areas where plates are coated and dried. Dust or dirt on the plate and use of contaminated sponges will cause plate-processing problems. The plate surface should be dried thoroughly before coating in humid atmospheric conditions. Moisture contamination could result in poor adherence of coating and the image wearing-off prematurely.